Category Archives: Interviews

A Different Type of Housing Bubble (Video)

Peter Schiff appeared on Fox Business this morning to debate whether or not the US housing market is actually recovering. Peter argued that another bubble is forming in housing, but it is different from the last. If you’re thinking about getting back into real estate instead of buying physical gold or silver, you might want to reconsider.

“The Federal Reserve inflated the first housing bubble… But there’s a big difference between the bubble they’ve created this time and the last one… This is a Wall Street bubble. The average American is too broke to buy a house. Home ownership rates are at 19 year lows. Most Americans are renting… All the construction was in multi-family.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Battle of the Bears: Peter Schiff vs Roubini (Video)

Yesterday, on a panel at the SALT Conference in Las Vegas, Peter Schiff and Nouriel Roubini got into a heated debate about whether or not inflation is good for the economy. CNBC’s Fast Money spoke with them afterwards to continue the discussion. In the past, Roubini has been known as “Dr. Doom,” but it appears he is changing his tune and now believes inflation and central bank policies to be positive economic forces. Peter vehemently disagreed:

“The central banks are creating this propaganda because they want inflation, because they want to wipe out debt. Inflation is good for debtors because it allows them to default on their debt. You have all these overly indebted governments… They need inflation to prop up asset prices, but the consumer doesn’t need inflation, the economy doesn’t need inflation. What we need is more production and falling prices, because that’s what grows an economy.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Peter Schiff’s 2014 Gold Outlook

MarketWatch interviewed Peter Schiff to get the bull case for gold in 2014. In spite of ongoing negative sentiment for the yellow metal, Peter thinks gold will keep rising this year. The only thing that could change his mind would be the Federal Reserve actually ending quantitative easing. He doesn’t expect that to happen, because the US economic recovery is a sham.

“Q: Before this year began, what were your expectations for gold prices and how does that compare with the metal’s performance year to date?

Schiff: I thought that the selloff in 2013 was completely out of touch with reality, so I expected the price to rise this year. In this, I was virtually alone in the financial community. Just about every major investment house had predicted even more losses for gold in 2014. So far this year, gold is the best-performing asset class, but I think the pullback we have seen over the last few weeks is just another indication of how much negative sentiment remains. Ultimately however, the fundamentals will prevail. The Fed will keep printing [dollars] and gold will keep rising.”

Read the Full Interview Here


Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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The Government’s Campaign of Deflation Fear (Audio)

Chris Waltzek interviewed Peter Schiff on Goldseek Radio yesterday. They talked about the ridiculous government propaganda that deflation is bad for the economy, as well as the prospects for gold in 2014.

“Everybody wants to talk about how last year was the worst year for gold in twenty or thirty years and that this is just a dead cat bounce. The only reason that gold sold off so hard in the second half of 2013 was because so many people jumped to the wrong conclusion at the same time. The Fed said that they were going to end QE and a bunch of people believed it.”

Listen to the Interview Here

goldseek radio

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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How to Safely Vault Gold & Silver Bullion (Audio)

Last week, Peter interviewed Rob Coleman on The Peter Schiff Show. Coleman is the owner of Gold Silver Vault, LLC. Gold Silver Vault inspects, securely vaults, and internally transfers precious metals. Located in Idaho, it is one of the only facilities in the United States that is not regulated by state or Federal governments. Peter and Rob discussed all the ins and outs of safely storing your precious metals, from insurance to concerns over government confiscation.

“The government doesn’t like people who own gold… We’re trying to get out of paper into real money. They don’t like that. They don’t want anybody escaping from the monetary system that they are perpetrating. They don’t want anybody to protect themselves against inflation. They’re counting on people to be victimized by inflation. When the government steals through inflation, they can only steal from you if you’re holding the currency that they’re inflating. If anybody is in gold and silver, you’re avoiding the inflation tax, and we know the government hates it when people avoid paying taxes.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Why Buy Gold? Peter Schiff Debates Gold Bear (Video)

Peter Schiff and Paul Krake got into a heated discussion about gold on CNBC’s Futures Now. They argued about gold’s role as a hedge against inflation and how they expect it to perform in the face of continued central bank money printing.

“I’ve been buying gold for over twelve years… I’ve been recommending it to my clients… Not once have I bought gold because of geopolitical risks. I’ve never even considered that. People that talk about that are the people that don’t buy any gold. I’ve been buying gold for the same reason for the last decade and it’s because central banks are creating too much money. There’s too much inflation, interest rates are too low. So I want to store my purchasing power in something central banks can’t print.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Prepare for a Dollar Doomsday (Video)

Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars and The Death of Money, spoke with Bloomberg TV this week about how the Federal Reserve’s interest rate suppression is manipulating every market in the world. Want to preserve your wealth in the coming dollar collapse? Buy gold and hard assets, says Jim.

“The Fed’s insolvent… the insiders will tell you that privately, they won’t say it publicly… The ultimate backing of the dollar is confidence… Money is a perpetual non-interest bearing note issued by an insolvent central bank. How long can that go on for until people walk away from it?”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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US Economy Is in the Eye of a Storm

The Daily Bell recently interviewed Doug Casey about “The Continuing Debasement of Money, Language and Banking in the Modern Age.” Casey talks not just about the evils of our central banking system, but also the fundamental case for gold and the end of Western civilization as we know it.

“I don’t see a real recovery until they stop debasing the currency, radically cut government spending and taxation and eliminate most regulation. In other words, cease doing the things that caused this depression. And that’s not going to happen until there’s a collapse of the current order…

I expect that we’ll go out of the eye of the storm this year; it’s overdue, actually. The analogy I like to use is that the leading edge of the storm was in 2007, now we’re in the eye of the hurricane, and when we move into the trailing edge it’s going to be much, much worse and last much, much longer than it was in the leading edge.”

Read the Full Interview Here

doug casey

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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How to Prepare for a Fed U-Turn interviewed Peter Schiff about the impending dollar collapse and how investors can prepare for a reversal of the Fed’s tapering.

“Gold’s going to be a primary beneficiary [of a taper reversal]. Gold is real money, so it’s not just a substitute like these currencies are. I think the demand for gold and other commodities will explode when the Fed has to admit the truth. If you look at the Fed’s track record on the economy, particularly since the days leading up to the financial crisis and subsequent, the Fed has always gotten the economy wrong by a long shot.”

Read the Full Interview Here


Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Top Signs the Dollar Is Doomed

Eddie van der Walt at the Bullion Desk interviewed James Rickards last week about the US dollar and gold. Rickards discussed some of the important signs that will signal the end of the world’s reserve currency, many of which are already occurring. Richards argues that gold is one of the best assets to protect yourself from the dollar’s collapse.

“The most likely outcome is some sort of catastrophic collapse, he said. ‘You could have a hyper-inflationary outburst, followed by collapse and social disorder, followed by some sort of neo-fascist deflation.’

Flowing from this, he said, the US currency will be devalued against gold – meaning large increases in the dollar price of gold.

Rickards predicts gold at $9,000 per ounce if the world moves to a quasi-gold-backed currency.

‘This is how things played out between 1921 and 1934 in Germany, so there is a precedent,’ he said.

But he says that there may be hope for investors even in such dark times. “Perhaps you, the individual, cannot stop the catastrophe, but you can protect yourself.

‘You don’t have to wait for a gold standard, you can put yourself on a gold standard by going out and buying some physical gold.'”

Read the Full Interview Here


Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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