Monthly Archives: June 2013

Peter Schiff: Just Wait Until the Gold Market Turns (Video)

Today, Peter Schiff appeared on CNBC Futures Now and spoke about the ongoing negative sentiment about gold. Peter explained why he thinks gold can still “go to the moon” and why it is vital that investors keep an eye on the bond market and interest rates to get a real idea of how well the US economy is doing.

“When the gold market turns, it’s going to be vicious. I think it’s going to rally even faster than it went down. But rather than worrying about the top of the gold market – I don’t think there’s a top there – but there is a big top in the bond market. And this is the achilles heel of the US economy. And people were worried about tax hikes. Higher interest rates are much bigger tax hikes than what we were looking at when we were worried about the fiscal cliff or the sequester. This is big and it’s a tax hike on the US government. Not just on the American people but on the US government itself.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog

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Jim Rickards: Currency War Simulation (Video)

Enjoy this fascinating video in which Jim Rickards narrates a possible storyline of an international currency war crisis. Take note of how important a role gold plays in the escalation of economic hostilities and ask yourself if you’d rather be stuck owning precious metals or fiat currency.

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog

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Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 6/10/13

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Peter Schiff: Reduce Government to Save Economy (Video)

Peter Schiff appeared on CCTV’s Biz Asia America today to talk about the lack of improvement in Europe’s economy. Peter explained what he would do if he were in charge of the EU, but stressed that the United States is in much worse shape.

“In order to get real economic growth, not just an artificial stimulus related high, you need to dramatically reduce the size of government. It’s government weight that interferes with economic growth. That’s why the only real economic stimulus is legitimate austerity, where you shrink the size of government. I would cut government spending across the board, I would try to repeal as many onerous rules and regulations as I could… In the United States, I think we’re actually doing worse than Europe because I don’t believe our numbers for a second. I think our inflation rate is much higher than what the government admits, and so I think the US economy is still in a contraction.”

Peter’s Interview Begins at 9:00 Below

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog

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Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 6/7/13

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Peter Schiff: Recovery & Stock Rally Are Pure Fantasy (Video)

Peter Schiff appeared on Yahoo! Finance this week to talk with The Daily Ticker’s Laura Lyster about the rally in the stock market and the supposed recovery of the US economy.

“The only supposed evidence of the recovery is the fact that house prices are up or stock prices are up or that people are more confident. But that’s not real. Stock prices are up because of the cheap money. People are confident because they think they’re richer or because they believe the hype in the media that there’s a recovery, even though they’re not experiencing it. But if you look at the actual data that is coming out on the economy – the ISM, manufacturing, jobs data, the real hard numbers – all those data points are negative.”

Click Here to Watch the Full Interview

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Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 6/6/13

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Peter Schiff on Gold, Fiat Money, and Central Banks (Video)

Peter Schiff appeared on Russia Today’s Prime Interest this week to talk about the gold market. In a lengthy interview, he discussed the problems of the gold carry trade between central banks and bullion banks, as well as why gold premiums rose so much with the recent price decline. Peter finished with a discussion about the importance of a gold standard.

“[Central banks] might be openly hostile [to gold], but privately they know that they need to own it. I think they’re trying to keep this fiat system going, but they have to know that it’s going to come to an end some day and they want to make sure they have as much gold as possible when it does. Whoever has the most gold when the music stops is going to win, and I think a lot of these emerging markets know that better than any of these central banks.”

Peter’s appearance begins at 2:20 below.

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog

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Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 6/5/13

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The Gold Bull Vs. The Paper Tiger

Peter Schiff's Gold Letter

Make sure you check out Peter Schiff’s June Gold Letter that was released this morning. Jeff Clark of Casey Research has a fascinating commentary on the action in the platinum and palladium markets, and Chris Marcus of Arcadia Economic Consulting asks the question the media doesn’t want to address: Who will buy US bonds when the Fed stops? In his own commentary, Peter looks at the ongoing correction in gold and what investors can make of it.

“That’s all, folks. One look at the headlines will tell you the gold bull market is officially over: the stock market is booming, a modest recovery of the US economy is underway, and the dollar is dominating the forex. Time to sell your bullion and get back into US stocks!

Does anyone really believe this story at this point? Haven’t we been through this time and again since 2008? Remember ‘green shoots’?

The sad truth is that American investors, accustomed to a world of rising stock and housing prices for several generations, are experiencing short-term memory loss. It’s as if their longing for the ‘good old days’ has made them subconsciously suppress any unpleasant memories.”

Continue Reading Peter Schiff’s Gold Letter

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