Category Archives: Interviews

Focus on Big Picture, Buy Physical Gold (Video)

This morning Peter Schiff appeared on CNBC to give his take on speculative and physical gold investing and the false narratives of a US economic recovery. At the end, he has a short debate about Ben Bernanke’s place in history.

“When the [gold] speculators realize how wrong they have it and when they try to reverse those positions, I think a lot of the gold that they sold on the way down is not going to be available for sale on the way up. I think you’re going to get a huge spike in prices.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog

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The Government Is Lying About the Economy (Video)

Peter Schiff appeared on CTV yesterday morning to talk about phony government economic data.

“[Government economic statistics is not] really information, it’s more like propaganda. Individuals and investors need to look through that government smoke screen, open up their eyes and see what’s actually happening… If you look at the contracting labor force, the declining use of energy, the explosion of poverty in America and income inequality, record numbers of people on food stamps and disability, all the part-time jobs that are now replacing the full time jobs… All of this is consistent with a shrinking economy, but the government won’t admit it.”

Watch the Full Video Here

Peter Schiff CTV 13 08 01


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Buy Gold and Don’t Trust the Fed (Video)

Last night, Peter Schiff appeared on the Business News Network to give his take on the latest GDP numbers and physical gold investing.

“The only reason the government was able to get a [GDP] number as large as 1.7 is because they assumed inflation was 0.7% on an annualized basis… I don’t believe that for one minute. I believe inflation is much higher than that and if the government used an accurate GDP deflator, we would already see that the US economy is currently in a recession… [The Fed] knows it’s going to increase QE, but it can’t come out and say that… Because it doesn’t want the world to know just how weak the US economy is and how dependent it is on ever increasing doses of monetary heroin.”

Watch the Full Video Here

Peter Schiff BNN

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QE Is a Euphemism for Inflation (Video)

Last night, Peter Schiff appeared on CNBC’s The Kudlow Report to debate the reality of US inflation.

“When the Fed monetized three trillion dollars worth of mortgages and Treasuries, by definition that is inflation. Quantitative easing is just a euphemism for inflation. We’re talking about the effect of inflation when we talk about rising prices. We already have rising real estate prices, we have rising stock prices. Inflation has caused that. But I believe consumer prices are also rising much faster than government admits.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog

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Buy Gold Low to Prepare for the Real Crisis (Video)

In his latest interview with Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog, Peter Schiff explains the turnaround in gold prices and what investors should be prepared for in the future.

“[Gold] is really setting up for a huge reversal, because once the technicals turn around and the momentum goes back to the upside…the gold [that speculators] sold on the way down isn’t going to be available on the way up… The people who own it aren’t going to sell it at any price, because they didn’t buy it to trade out of it. They bought it to own it, to keep it. So this is going to be a big problem for the shorts, and even people who want to re-establish longs, because I think most of the people who want to get back into the market are going to get back in a lot higher than people got out.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog

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Jim Rickards: The Fed Is Just Wrong About Recovery (Audio)

Enjoy this excellent audio interview with Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars, on the Korelin Economics Report. Rickards dissects the Fed’s forecasting record and explains why quantitative easing is destroying the economy.

“The Fed’s forecasting record has been abysmal. The Fed has been wrong four out of the last four years in terms of their growth projections… They’ve been wrong by a lot. Sometimes they project 3 1/2 to 4% growth and it comes in around 2%. Sometimes they lower the forecast to 3% and it comes in at 1.5%. So you shouldn’t put any stock in the Fed’s forecast at all. In fact, as a guide, you should kind of assume the opposite or at least a lot worse than what the Fed is saying. You have to look at the fundamental economy, [which] is in terrible shape.”

Listen to the Full Interview


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Peter Schiff: The Dollar Is Going to Collapse Before the Market (Audio)

Tekoa Da Silva of Bull Market Thinking interviewed Peter Schiff last week about the ugly reality that faces the economy when the Fed’s quantitative easing backfires.

“[The Fed] pretends that there is an exit strategy, knowing that exit is impossible. They just have to maintain the pretense as long as they can before the market figures out the true predicament that they’re in. Now they talk about tapering in the future but they can’t taper right now. If the economy is strong enough for tapering, why wait four months, why wait six months? Why not just do it? It’s kind of like the guy who is overweight, and he constantly tells you he is going on a diet but he’s going to start next month. Why don’t you start right now? It’s easy to talk about something you’re going to do in the future. What’s hard is to actually do something in the present. No matter what Ben Bernanke says, between now and the time when he’s supposed to taper, he will come up with an excuse why he can’t. I think he already knows this.”

Listen to the Audio Interview Here

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Peter Schiff: “All Evidence Points to Recession”

In an exclusive interview with Jimmy Mengel of Outsider Club, Peter Schiff talks about the inevitability of another major recession thanks to the Fed’s unending stimulus. Enjoy.

“I think [the Fed will] step on the gas and roll [QE] up to 125 billion or 150 billion. Because it’s like drugs and a tolerance. The economy is so addicted to QE, that the more you maintain it, the more the economy needs to stay high. As the bubble gets bigger, the more air you need to sustain it.

So I don’t think $85 billion is enough. They’re going to have to take it to $125, $150, $200 billion, $250 billion… They’re going to have to do it bigger and bigger. The minute they stop, it’s going to implode.

The more easing we do now, the bigger the government gets, as the national debt gets bigger and bigger. The Fed has to monetize more debt.”

Read the Full Interview

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Santelli & Peter Schiff: The Fed Will Lose Control (Video)

Peter Schiff had a friendly conversation with Rick Santelli this morning on CNBC’s Squawk on the Street. They discussed how the Fed’s quantitative easing has become uncontrollable and why this will make the next crisis even worse than the last.

“I think eventually you’re going to see a real attack on the dollar and the US Treasury market and the Fed’s ability to maintain artificially low interest rates without destroying the dollar… Eventually the Fed is going to lose control of this. And I think the biggest danger is when you start to see the bond market and dollar selling off simultaneously. You throw in a rally in gold and that’s basically the triple threat – you’ve got all the warning bells that the end is near.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog

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Peter Schiff Dissects Gold Bull Market and US “Recovery” (Audio)

On Friday, Peter Schiff was interviewed on GoldSeek Radio about his latest commentary comparing the current correction in the gold price to gold’s bull market in the mid-1970s. They go on to speak about the supposed economic recovery, the latest jobs numbers, the Fed’s inevitable continuation of QE, and the possibility of gold market manipulation.

“The fundamental narrative behind this [downward] move [in gold] is wrong. What’s giving the shorts the motivation to sell is a number of false beliefs. One, that the US economy is recovering. It’s not. Two, that inflation isn’t a problem. But it is. And three, that the Fed’s about to tighten. When they’re not! So I think everything the market is anticipating is wrong. And therefore their expectations of a lower gold price are based on assumptions that are all wrong. When they figure that out…I think the price goes way up.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog

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