Oklahoma Makes Gold & Silver Legal Tender (Video)

The governor of Oklahoma just signed a law making gold and silver legal tender, beginning in November 2014. Following the leads of surrounding states like Texas, the law is another positive sign that some politicians are waking up to the importance of sound money and hard assets. The most important effect of the law will be a removal of sales tax from gold and silver purchases. Eliminating the 4.5% sales tax on gold and silver (the rate can be as high as 11% in some counties!) will essentially make precious metals that much cheaper for Oklahomans and encourage them to protect more of their savings with gold. Oklahoma Senator Kyle Loveless had this to say about the new law:

“This is a no-brainer. You wouldn’t tax a currency. You don’t tax the cash in your pocket… When you buy real estate or buy any investment, there is no tax on the purchase of it, and that’s what this is. It’s a nonsensical tax, I’m glad we were able to get rid of it.”

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Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 6/12/14

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 6/11/14

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Call 1-888-GOLD-160 and speak with a Precious Metals Specialist today!

Posted in Daily Gold Headlines | Comments Off on Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 6/11/14

History Channel Presents “The Gold Conspiracy” (Video)

Peter Schiff appeared in The History Channel’s short documentary “The Gold Conspiracy” that aired back in April. The program interviews precious metals experts like Peter and Jim Rickards to present the history of the gold standard and the latest theories surrounding the manipulation of the yellow metal’s price. The takeaway? Whether or not you buy into the conspiracy plots, the price of gold is still far less than it would be if the US dollar were still on a gold standard. Any gold manipulation is just an opportunity to buy the metal at a discount before the dollar collapses.

“The Founding Fathers wanted to limit government and one of the ways you limit the power of government is with a gold standard. The government can only spend money if it can collect gold and taxes. So by going off the gold standard, there is no limit to how much money the government can create, so there’s no limit to the size the Federal government can grow.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 6/10/14

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Posted in Daily Gold Headlines | Comments Off on Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 6/10/14

Lou Dobbs & Peter Schiff: US Monetary Policy Is Destroying the Dollar (Video)

Lou Dobbs spoke with Peter Schiff about the latest jobs numbers on Fox Business last week. Dobbs agreed with Peter that the United States government needs to stop printing money and get out of the way for the American economy to truly repair itself.

“I think the economy continues to deteriorate beneath the surface. We have this superficial rise in the stock market. But I think this whole thing is headed to a dollar crisis. We’re going to print so much money to try to keep this phony economy going. We’re going to destroy the dollar, and we’re going to have a real crisis. But only after that real crisis do we have any hope of correcting the real problems.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Was America Built on Debt? (Video)

Earlier this week, CNBC’s Steve Liesman revealed how backwards mainstream economic thinking is when he made the argument that America needs more consumer debt to have a healthy economy. Contrary to common sense and generally accepted knowledge, Liesman argued that America was built on debt and that consumers need to be taking on more of it. Peter Schiff wasn’t going to let these economic fallacies slide and tore into Liesman’s arguments on his radio show yesterday.

“Consumer credit was the cancer in the American economy… The smart thing to do, if you’re worried about the future… You should be paying off your debts. You should be creating a cushion. What about saving for a rainy day? Here you’ve got Steve Liesman saying, ‘No, no, go out and borrow for a rainy day.’ … You can’t borrow for a rainy day, because then you’re going to get soaked! This is asinine.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Posted in Peter's Commentaries, Videos | 1 Comment

Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 6/5/14

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Call 1-888-GOLD-160 and speak with a Precious Metals Specialist today!

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The Platinum Supply Shock

Peter Schiff's Gold Letter

Say farewell to the Gold Letter! It will be replaced next month with Peter Schiff’s Gold Videocast. In this final edition, Peter reviews the tumultuous news surrounding the platinum group metals market and why we can expect a very strong year for platinum. If you’ve already invested in physical gold and silver, now could be the perfect time to further diversify your precious metals holdings. You’ll also find a guest commentary from Detlev Schlichter addressing the phantom menace of “very low inflation” in the eurozone. Lampoon the System’s June comic commiserates with the bankers who are finding it harder and harder to rig the gold and silver markets nowadays. Enjoy!

“Even investors who typically eschew precious metals have been hard-pressed to ignore the platinum industry this year. The longest strike in South African history paired with surging Asian demand is set to push the metal back into a physical deficit in 2014 – and could have repercussions for years to come. While gold remains the most conservative choice for saving, the “industrial precious metal” platinum is a compelling investment for those, like me, who are bullish on global net economic growth.”

Read the Full Gold Letter Here

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 6/5/14

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Call 1-888-GOLD-160 and speak with a Precious Metals Specialist today!

Posted in Daily Gold Headlines | Comments Off on Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 6/5/14