Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 3/12/14

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Posted in Daily Gold Headlines | Comments Off on Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 3/12/14

The Dollar Collapse Will Happen Quickly (Video)

Jim Rickards was interviewed on RT’s Boom Bust about the impending death of the US dollar. It could happen tomorrow or in several years, but Rickards is convinced that the world is ready to leave the dollar behind and move on to a more stable form of money.

“Russia is ready to turn their back on the dollar… China, we know, is buying gold, thousands of tons of gold… Iran has been importing gold from Turkey. Look around the world, a lot of people are ready to turn their back on the dollar. They haven’t done it yet, but when the confidence is lost it can be lost very quickly. Investors need to be prepared for that.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Posted in Outside Commentaries, Videos | 1 Comment

Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 3/11/14

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Posted in Daily Gold Headlines | Comments Off on Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 3/11/14

Weather or Not?

In his latest commentary, Peter Schiff pokes holes in the theory that the polar vortex and exceptionally cold winter is solely responsible for the poor economic data of the past several months. Peter argues that economists and the media are blowing a lot of hot… er, cold air to convince the public that the economy is doing better than it really is.

“Everyone agrees that the winter just now winding down (hopefully) has been brutal for most Americans. And while it’s easy to conclude that the Polar Vortex has been responsible for an excess of school shutdowns and ice related traffic snarls, it’s much harder to conclude that it’s responsible for the economic vortex that appears to have swallowed the American economy over the past three months. But this hasn’t stopped economists, Fed officials, and media analysts from making this unequivocal assertion. In reality the weather is not what’s ailing us. It’s just the latest straw being grasped at by those who believe that the phony recovery engineered by the Fed is real and lasting. The April thaw is not far off. Unfortunately the economy is likely to stay frozen for some time to come.

Over the past few weeks, I have seen just about every weak piece of economic news being blamed on the weather. First it was lackluster retail sales that were chalked up to consumers being unable or unwilling to make it to the mall. (This managed to ignore the fact that online sales were similarly weak – which would be unexpected for a nation of snowed in consumers). Then came the weak auto sales that were ascribed to similarly holed up potential car buyers. However, this ignores that while GM and Chrysler sales were way down, sales for luxury cars like BMW, Mercedes and Maserati, surged to record high levels (more on that later). No one offered a reason why wealthier motorists were able to brave the cold. A number of other data points, such as lower GDP, productivity, ISM and factory orders were also ascribed to the elements.”

Read the Full Commentary Here

polar vortex

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 3/10/14

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Call 1-888-GOLD-160 and speak with a Precious Metals Specialist today!

Posted in Daily Gold Headlines | Comments Off on Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 3/10/14

Top 12 Signs of Looming US Recession

Politicians and the Federal Reserve are spinning tales of a slow but steady economic recovery in the United States. But economists and financial advisors like Peter Schiff are not fooled by the double speak. The Economic Collapse Blog published a good summary of recent major economic data and news that indicate the picture is not nearly as rosy as Washington would like us to believe.

“Is the U.S. economy steamrolling toward another recession? Will 2014 turn out to be a major “turning point” when we look back on it? Before we get to the evidence, it is important to note that there are many economists that believe that the United States never actually got out of the last recession.

For example, data compiled by John Williams of show that the U.S. economy has continually been in recession since 2005. So if anyone out there would like to argue that America is experiencing a recession right now, I certainly would not have a problem with that. In fact, that would fit with the daily reality of tens of millions of Americans that are deeply suffering in this harsh economic environment. But no matter whether we are in a “recession” at the moment or not, there are an increasing number of indications that we are rapidly plunging into another major economic slowdown. The following are the top 12 signs that the U.S. economy is heading toward another recession…”

Read the Full Piece Here


Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Posted in Outside Commentaries | 1 Comment

Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 3/7/14

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Posted in Daily Gold Headlines | Comments Off on Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 3/7/14

Gold Scams Revisited

Peter Schiff's Gold Letter

The March 2014 Gold Letter is now available. In his commentary, Peter Schiff announces the release of his newly updated Classic Gold Scams special report and reexamines some common gold scams that investors would be wise to avoid. An essay by Alasdair Macleod reviews the major gold stories of 2013 that laid the foundation for a strong 2014 for the yellow metal. Plus, Lampoon the System imagines central bankers participating in the Olympics, our FAQ looks at gold bars versus coins, and we finish up with important gold news from February.

“Before Bear Stearns and Lehman collapsed, the market for physical gold was limited to a relatively small group of investors who understood the havoc inflation was wreaking on our savings and the US markets. As the financial crisis took hold, a flood of new and inexperienced buyers entered the market, creating an opportunity for unscrupulous metals dealers to swindle their way to massive profits. This is what drove me to launch my very own gold dealer, Euro Pacific Precious Metals, to provide a safe alternative for those who were taking my advice to diversify into sound money. In our first year of business, I released Classic Gold Scams and How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off, a free report that has saved countless investors from losing their shirts.

Fast forward several years and the markets look like a film on repeat. We are once again building toward a massive financial crisis – one that will make 2008 seem like the good old days. Unfortunately, the majority of investors are once again playing the US markets and shunning gold. I encourage my readers to consider diversifying into precious metals now, while the market is still distracted. To this end, and in preparation for the inevitable mad rush when conventional investors again flock to safety, I have updated and re-released my Classic Gold Scams report to help newcomers learn how to buy gold and silver the right way.”

Read the Full Gold Letter Here

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Call 1-888-GOLD-160 and speak with a Precious Metals Specialist today!

Posted in Featured, Peter's Commentaries | 1 Comment

Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 3/6/14

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Call 1-888-GOLD-160 and speak with a Precious Metals Specialist today!

Posted in Daily Gold Headlines | Comments Off on Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 3/6/14

Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 3/5/14

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Call 1-888-GOLD-160 and speak with a Precious Metals Specialist today!

Posted in Daily Gold Headlines | Comments Off on Today’s Key Gold Headlines – 3/5/14