In an exclusive interview originally published in Euro Pacific Capital’s summer issue of The Global Investor Newsletter (found here), Andrew Schiff spoke with Peter Boehringer of the German Precious Metals Society about the latest false news reports concerning Germany’s gold repatriation efforts.
A June 23 Bloomberg News story entitled “German Gold Stays in New York in Rebuff to Euro Doubters” made the seemingly straightforward case that the German authorities had decided to reverse course on a plan announced in 2012 to bring home some 300 metric tons of German gold that had been on deposit at the New York Federal Reserve since the 1960s. According to the article, German representatives had gone to New York, seen their gold, were convinced that it was in good hands, and decided that the hassle of putting it on a plane and sending it back to Germany was simply unnecessary. The article quoted a spokesman for German Chancellor Merkel who said, “the Americans are taking good care of our gold.” The article even quoted Peter Boehringer, one of the leading private advocates of the German repatriation movement, as saying their campaign to pressure German authorities “is on hold.”
When the Germans originally asked for their gold back, the Federal Reserve countered with a painfully slow eight-year delivery period. This struck many as strange given that the total request only represented 5% of the gold reportedly held at the Fed’s New York vaults. The delay severely whipped up concerns that long-held theories about imaginary gold were actually true. The Bloomberg article appeared to dismiss all these concerns and bring the case to a close. Or did it? Almost immediately, people close to the matter cried foul.
I caught up with none other than Peter Boehringer of the German Precious Metals Society for this exclusive interview.

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The US Dollar’s Endgame (Video)
In his latest video blog post, Peter Schiff picks apart the last week’s US economic data, from the GDP to jobs numbers to the housing market to the performance of the Dow Jones. After explaining the endgame for the US dollar given our current economy, he lays out why the gold market is more resilient than the financial media is reporting.
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