Schiff: More Political Risk in US than China (Video)

Peter Schiff appeared on CCTV yesterday to talk about the rally in Chinese markets and why investing in China is less politically risky than putting your money in US businesses.

“I think the political risk is overblown. I think there’s a lot of political risk here in the United States. I think that there’s a big risk that the US government is going to start raising taxes and confiscating profits through taxation. I think you have less political risk over there, although the market doesn’t perceive that…”

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2 Responses to Schiff: More Political Risk in US than China (Video)

  1. Viem Do says:

    Peter, what do you think about all “ISM” in the world?

    • admin says:

      Well, there is far too much ISM in the world. I, for one, try to look at matters through a skeptical lens, rather than trying to make the facts conform to my chosen ISM.