Peter Schiff Interviews Rand Paul (Video)

With Rand Paul in the news, we wanted to bring to your attention one of Peter Schiff’s recent interviews with the Kentucky Senator, conducted in December of 2012. They spoke about the value of capitalism and the lack of will in Washington to pass a balanced budget or to even consider tax or entitlement reforms. Listen to the Peter Schiff Show on Monday through Friday, from 10 AM to Noon ET, at

“Here’s the problem: we lurch from one deadline to the next, but in between the deadlines, nobody’s doing a damn thing. There’s no committee up here to reform social security, no committee action on medicare, no committee action on tax reform. But when a deadline comes up, they…throw their hands up, ‘We’ll just have to raise some taxes.'” -Rand Paul

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11 Responses to Peter Schiff Interviews Rand Paul (Video)

  1. Rich says:

    I love Rand, but I hated the fact that he voted for Hagel. We need Rand to stand up and fight on EVERY ISSUE that hurts America,. Hagel is bad and will only hurt us.

    Peter, I wish you were in the Senate. We need you and your strong voice. Run again and maybe your state will finally wake up!

  2. Chuck says:

    I truly admire Senator Paul for the principled stand he took during his filibuster, and am in agreement with him on many other issues, but unfortunately his irrational views on abortion are deeply offensive to me. He is certainly entitled to them, but I hope that if he runs for president he keeps his religious beliefs separate from his policy positions.

  3. Anthony Silvestri says:

    Please tell Rand he is inspirational and to continue his push forward. Now it the time to define and contrast the different visions of the future, between economic/social conservationism and liberalism. I do not believe people want to move away from traditional American values. Work, desire and sacrifice create opportunity and individual success. Today, Obama has clearly set the course for a more European model of socialism, something I do not believe most people want. The more he defines his vision, the better Rand can make his case.

  4. Tim Newton says:

    I don’t agree that those whose taxes primarily fund entitlements should be disproportionately deprived of their benefits.
    Disproportionate taxes? No.
    Disproportionate benefits? No.
    BOTH??? What the heck???

  5. want to talk to Peter when convienient

    • admin says:

      The best way to ask Peter a question is by calling into the Peter Schiff Show on Monday through Friday from 10 AM to Noon ET. The call-in number is 855-4-SCHIFF.

  6. Pingback: Peter Schiff Interviews Rand Paul | Red Pills

  7. Larry Grafanakis says:

    Dear Mr. Schiff:
    In 2014, why don’t you run for the senate in another state, preferably one which would tip the state Republican?

  8. Ev Chas says:

    Why can’t something be done to take away from senators & congress (and their relatives) all the outrageous wasteful perks & life-long golden parachutes they all get??? I don’t understand how they all have gotten away with it for so many years. It’s outrageously unfair to the common citizen and all those millions/trillions of $$ should be spent on more sensible & worthy causes. Am I wrong to feel this way?

  9. admin says:

    Thank you, everyone, for reading Peter Schiff’s blog and taking the time to comment. While everyone has remained civil, we do feel an abortion discussion is off-topic on a blog that focuses on precious metals investment. Further comments on that topic will be deleted.