Peter Schiff Debates Inflation (Video)

The Huffington Post hosted a virtual debate over inflation last week, and Peter Schiff was the only participant who staunchly maintained that inflation is a bad thing. In fact, no one even agreed with Peter on the basic definition of inflation: an increase in the money supply. So if you agree with Peter and are concerned with the inflation you see in your everyday life, what is your plan to protect yourself from it? Physical precious metals remain one of the most popular safe haven investments.

“This crisis that’s coming is even [more obvious]. What’s amazing is that so many people who were oblivious to what happened in 2008 still don’t understand why that crisis occurred and they still don’t understand why a bigger crisis is looming… The exact same set of policies that gave us the housing bubble and the ’08 financial crisis are the ones that we’re using now to give us this next crisis. The only difference between the policies now and policies then is that they’re bigger in size.”

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