Wake Up! Gold and Silver Likely Bottomed, Headed Higher (Audio)

Peter Schiff was interviewed on Gold Seek Radio yesterday. Chris Waltzek spoke with him about how the conflict with Syria might affect gold prices and the great potential silver has as the economic “recovery” fails to develop. They ended with a conversation about the importance of a gold standard and the possibility of a massive short squeeze in the gold and silver futures market.

“I don’t think it even matters if the Fed tapers or not. I think the price of gold goes up either way. If we do get a taper, I think it’s already factored in and it’s ‘buy the rumor, sell the fact.’ If we don’t get the taper, then we get an even bigger rally. And my bet is that the Fed is going to be looking for an excuse not to taper, but ultimately to increase the amount of QE. Maybe if we start a war in Syria, that might be cover for the Fed to hold off.”

Listen to the Full Interview Here

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