Preparing for a Dollar Collapse (Audio)

This morning, Peter Schiff was interviewed by Mike Slater on KFMB San Diego. Peter explained why raising the debt ceiling is just going to make the real crisis much worse and lead to the inevitable collapse of the US dollar. Peter didn’t have time to advise the listeners on how to protect themselves from this crash, but it’s simple: invest in hard assets like physical gold and other precious metals.

“We’re headed for a real crisis, but it’s not going to be because we failed to raise the debt ceiling, but because we succeed… I believe that the dollar’s days as the world’s reserve currency are numbered. I don’t know how big that number is, but I don’t think it’s going to be a gradual process. I think at one point it’s just going to happen. One day it’s just going to plunge. And I think country’s like China are already preparing for that to happen.”

Listen to the Full Interview Here

mike slater

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