The Taper Fakeout

Peter Schiff's Gold Letter

Peter Schiff’s October Gold Letter is out today. In his monthly commentary, Peter picks apart the Fed’s rhetoric to explain why the stimulus will never be tapered. Jeff Clark of Casey Research ponders whether Chinese housewives or Western bankers understand gold better. And the latest Lampoon the System comic takes a poke at Bernanke’s “Exit Strategy.” Enjoy!

“Anyone who bought the media buzz about a September reduction of QE – called the ‘taper’ – was very surprised when the Federal Reserve announced that stimulus would continue unabated. According the the official narrative, inflation is under control and the labor market is steadily improving. Why wouldn’t a modest taper be announced?

The reality is that the economic indicators the Fed claims to rely on to decide when to taper are all dependent on stimulus money. This is not a mystery to Ben Bernanke. Instead, this entire saga amounted to little more than a ‘taper fakeout’ which sent hard asset investors for a loop.”

Continue Reading Peter Schiff’s Gold Letter

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