Central Banks Can’t Fix Government Problems (Video)

Peter Schiff appeared on CNBC Europe to talk about the European Central Bank’s decision to cut interest rates to a record low today. Peter argued that Europe should avoid going down the road of money printing and currency debasement that the United States has embraced, addressing particularly the wrong-headed idea that inflation is a legitimate way of growing an economy. The ECB’s actions are just the latest events in an ongoing international currency war – how are you protecting your wealth from becoming another casualty?

“You don’t feel pressure when the things that you need to buy become less expensive. That’s relief. Falling prices are a relief to consumers. What pressures consumers is when costs go up, when you have a rise in cost of living. So the ECB is going to complicate the problem for the European economy by making things more expensive. You don’t grow your economy by destroying the value of your money.”

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