Gold Will Have Its Day: A Defense of Peter Schiff

Bloomberg published a feature article this week about Peter Schiff, attempting to paint him as an irrational gold bug and discredit his predictions of the looming economic crisis. The folks at The Daily Bell have published a rebuttal to Bloomberg’s hit piece, explaining some of the finer points of free market economics and why Peter is right about gold’s future.

“Every week or month, Bloomberg editors attack gold and this article, striking out at chief gold bug Peter Schiff, is more of the same.

The bias is subtle but apparent. The article manages to point out that Schiff’s father is in jail for tax evasion and that Peter Schiff has made a personal fortune even while his precious metals recommendations have soured, from a mainstream media perspective.

As editors and writers of an alternative ‘Net publication, we have to admire the way Schiff confronts naysayers and fear mongers when it comes to the economy. As he responded once when we were speaking about free-market economics, ‘What other kind is there?'”

Read the Full Article Here

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