2014 Crash? London Real Interviews Peter Schiff (Video)

Peter Schiff was a guest on the alternative media program London Real with host Brian Rose. This hour-long conversation is geared towards a younger audience and is a great introduction to Peter’s investment philosophy. Alessio Rastani, known as the “Robin Hood of Wall Street,” also joined the conversation. Rastani believes the US is due for a major crash in 2014, and he discussed the possibilities with Peter.

They go on to discuss Peter’s political sentiments, bitcoins, the mainstream media, the gold standard, and much more.

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One Response to 2014 Crash? London Real Interviews Peter Schiff (Video)

  1. csherman says:

    On 18:50 Peter mentions that asset prices are too high.
    If the dollar is going to crash, how can asset prices be too high?
    If my home’s current market value, for example, is $300,000. Why would it be worth only, say, $200,000 if the dollar crashed?
    QE has created a lot more dollars in the form of debt. The only way to pay that debt is through inflation. I agree that my home will have no more “value” but its purchase price after the crash will be in inflated money.

    If the answer is “you better stock up on food in event of a dollar crash and forget the value of your home”, well, was there mass starvation in Argentina when they defaulted?
    I look forward to any response.