Category Archives: Interviews

QE Will Continue until Dollar Collapse (Video)

Peter Schiff appeared on the Business News Network last week to talk about the latest jobs numbers. He spoke about the horrible consequences of quantitative easing and the false recovery that is building to another crisis. Whether the Fed tapers or not, QE is not going to stop until the dollar collapses. Peter tells us what he thinks investors should buy to avoid disaster.

“You don’t want to own paper, you don’t want to own things that governments can print… I’ve been stepping into gold for over ten years… I think we’ve been having a sale on gold, it’s been going on for a few months. I definitely think that if people aren’t in that market, if you don’t own any gold or silver, what are you waiting for? Buy some of it now… What’s going to stop the party is a collapse of the dollar…” 

Watch the Full Interview Here

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Peter Schiff: Don’t Hold Breath for Fed to Taper

In an exclusive interview with, Peter Schiff talked about the inevitable crisis that will result from the Fed’s quantitative easing and the eventual collapse of the dollar. Peter explained how important physical gold is as a safe haven asset in times of uncertainty, and why he doesn’t expect the Fed to taper the stimulus anytime soon.

PeterSchiffHeadShot Do you view the debt ceiling as a potential new crisis, and how do you see it playing out?

Schiff: I don’t see the debt ceiling as the crisis, that’s part of the solution. The crisis is the debt, and the crisis is that we’re going to raise the debt ceiling. We’re going to keep raising the ceiling so we’re going to keep piling more debt on top of the debt that we have.

And, eventually, the crisis comes not because we don’t raise the debt ceiling, but because lenders don’t raise the lending ceiling because they recognize that we’re broke. They won’t want to throw good money after bad, they don’t want to keep lending money to a country that can’t pay back what has already been loaned to it. (more…)

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Wake Up! Gold and Silver Likely Bottomed, Headed Higher (Audio)

Peter Schiff was interviewed on Gold Seek Radio yesterday. Chris Waltzek spoke with him about how the conflict with Syria might affect gold prices and the great potential silver has as the economic “recovery” fails to develop. They ended with a conversation about the importance of a gold standard and the possibility of a massive short squeeze in the gold and silver futures market.

“I don’t think it even matters if the Fed tapers or not. I think the price of gold goes up either way. If we do get a taper, I think it’s already factored in and it’s ‘buy the rumor, sell the fact.’ If we don’t get the taper, then we get an even bigger rally. And my bet is that the Fed is going to be looking for an excuse not to taper, but ultimately to increase the amount of QE. Maybe if we start a war in Syria, that might be cover for the Fed to hold off.”

Listen to the Full Interview Here

goldseek radio

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Marc Faber: Physical Gold Headed to New Highs

Hard Asset Investor interviewed Marc Faber last week to get his opinion of where the stock market and gold price are headed. Unsurprisingly, the publisher of the Gloom, Doom & Boom Report thinks the stock market is preparing for a large correction and gold is destined for an epic bull rally. Most importantly, he emphasized that investors should buy physical gold – not paper gold assets.

“We have had a meaningful correction [in gold]. From $1,921 in September 2011 to less than $1,200 at the bottom is a fairly large correction. But in longer-term bull markets, these kinds of corrections do occur. We had a 40-50 percent correction in 1987 in equity markets. But the bull market lasted until the year 2000.

Looking at the fundamentals, looking at how debt will continue to increase and how central banks will continue their monetization not only in the U.S. but on a worldwide scale, I assume the price of gold will trend higher. Most likely we’ve seen the lows below $1,200.”

Read the Full Interview Here

marc faber

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog
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Buy Gold Before the Coming Rally Leaves You Behind (Video)

CNBC’s Futures Now spoke with Peter Schiff last night about the long-term outlook for the gold market in the face of the Syrian crisis and the Fed’s talk of tapering. Peter also answered a question from the audience about the likelihood of the government confiscating physical gold in the event of a major economic collapse.

“I think we’re going to have a huge rally. I think we’re going to make new highs. I don’t think gold ever really lost that safe haven status. Only temporarily, maybe people were confused based on the rush to sell in a short window. But I think the fundamentals are fantastic and I think Syria really doesn’t make that much of a difference in the scheme of things… It’s a monetary problem that we have. We have a dollar crisis coming, a bond market collapse coming, and gold is going to be a safe haven from all of that.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog

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Jim Rogers: Seas of Artificial Money Spell Disaster (Video)

Jim Rogers was interviewed by Reuters about how a war with Syria might affect the price of gold, but he went on to spell out the economic disaster that is yet to come thanks to a “sea of artificial free money.” In preparation, what does Jim buy? Gold and hard assets that serve as excellent safe havens in times of economic turmoil.

“When this artificial sea of liquidity ends, we’re going to see panic in a lot of markets, including in the US… This is the first time in recorded history that all major central banks have been flooding the market with artificial money printing at the same time… This has never happened in recorded history. When this ends, it’s going to be a huge mess.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog

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The Consensus Is Wrong about Gold (Video)

Peter Schiff appeared on CNBC last night to talk about rising oil prices, but ended up drilling down into the reality of a non-existent US economic recovery.

“Americans are going to suffer a declining standard of living. That is the consequences of quantitative easing. That’s one of the reasons I’m opposing it. The Fed is destroying the standard of living of middle class Americans by destroying the value of their savings, of their wages. And yes, prices are going to go up.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog

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US Economic Growth Is an Illusion (Video)

MRC TV interviewed Peter Schiff about the supposed economic recovery and faulty government calculations of economic statistics. While emerging markets continue to buy gold and silver at record rates, everyday Americans are struggling to support their basic food and energy expenses.

“I think the economy has been contracting for the last four or five years. I think we’re in a depression… Look at all the anecdotal evidence: look at what’s happening to the labor force participation rate… look at what’s happening to real incomes… look at the record high credit card debt, yet Americans are not spending on apparel. Look at the big decline in retail sales. They’re spending the money on food, they’re spending the money on energy… They’re replacing a full-time job with a part-time job… [Look at all of this and] you see an economy that is in distress. You don’t see the economic growth that the government claims.”

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog

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Peter Schiff: No Recovery, Just One Big Depression (Audio)

Peter Schiff was recently interviewed on Real Estate Radio to talk about the state of the housing market and the economy in general. When Peter made it clear that he didn’t trust the supposed housing market recovery, the hosts asked him what investments do make sense if the economy is going to implode.

“We’re going to continue to lose jobs… I think that this housing rally is going to fizzle… I don’t think we’ve ever left the recession, it’s just been one big depression… [Gold] had a big sell-off… I think it’s headed for a spectacular rise… Gold and silver still look really really good. People have time to get in.”

Listen to the Interview Here

Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog

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Watch Out Short Sellers, Gold Rally Is Coming (Video)

In an interview on Yahoo! Finance, Peter Schiff explained why he thinks investors who are shorting gold futures are in for trouble.

“[While futures traders have been betting against gold,] Real demand for physical gold has been increasing the entire time. And so the problem is that physical gold is disappearing. Ultimately, the short sellers have to be able to deliver the commodity they’re selling short. They’re not going to be able to do that… I think that everything supports that this is another buying opportunity in a string of buying opportunities.”

Watch the Full Interview Here

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Follow us on Twitter to stay up-to-date on Peter Schiff’s latest thoughts: @SchiffBlog

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